A rather unorthodox lighthouse with bright radiant colours sets the scene. Cheerful and yet detached, it raises the curtain for the dense choreography of juxtapositions and unusual viewpoints underpinning Miglena Savova’s most recent body of work.
Bright and energetic compositions change with melancholic scenes, daydreams give way to edgy moods, motion freezes and goes upbeat again. The paintings shape up a tightly packed psychological space, which opens up boldly in an exhibitionist manner and then narrows down requiring the viewer to peep through the imaginary windows and openings the picture plane frames. As diverse as her subjects are a merry – go – round, a patch of greenish water, birds in a stormy sky, or a window of a countryside house, they however reveal a uniform intention – making one conscious of the intimate act of observation. Looking out becomes looking in and although humans may be absent, the work is all about them, or rather us.
Framing is therefore so essential to these works. It carves out details, cuts reality into distinct pieces and freezes time and motion. The monumental all of a sudden appears attainable, thoughtfully divided in portions to be devoured. The hunger of the eye is insatiable, the mind’s capacity for comprehension becomes more and more elastic and yet there will always be an indigestible remainder.
Streams of thought, recurrence of imagery, recycling of techniques and media transgressions connect these new paintings to some of the artist’s previous work, as if to provide hints about where her inquiries come from. Seeing and making sense is always remaking of reality, as in the six signature portraits of women dressed up in distinct national costumes. Old archival photographs have been deconstructed in painting with colors disintegrated – neither natural, nor artificial. Identity is always under construction and the only certain thing in the portraits of these six women remains the solid presence of their gaze. Beauty is in the eye, it is said in the eye of the beholder.
Margarita Dorovska, curator and writer 2015